The AEEC | AMC is attended by more than 700 avionics engineering and maintenance experts from around the world. This collocated event is comprised of two venues: (1) The Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee (AEEC) General Session and (2) Avionics Maintenance Conference (AMC).The AEEC General Session is the single most important event on the AEEC calendar. The AEEC General Session marks the culmination of the years' standards development work and new ARINC Standards are discussed and approved at this meeting. During the annual General Session, the AEEC initiates the work program for the next year. The AEEC General Session is an ideal opportunity for aviation industry professionals to obtain an overview of the important technical developments in air transport avionics and other aircraft electronics.
The Avionics Maintenance Conference identifies technical solutions to maintenance issues resulting in immediate and long-term maintenance improvements and cost savings. The AMC contributes to increased reliability and maintainability which results in reduced operating costs for avionics and other aircraft electronic systems.